This is an official blog of Adventurer Rural design project (ARD project), a participative village mapping and planning project that held by 3 students of Urban and Regional Planning program of Gadjah Mada University under KAYON Foundation. The project is taking place in Geluntung village, Marga, Tabanan, Bali. Mapping process is participative which involved village apparatus, youths, and kids. All written in this blog is the progress during the practical study.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pendadaran Rani

Hai hai!!! ARD never die. We're still continue our close friendship until now.

I was kind of surprised when Rani told me that she already took her final presentation last Friday (April 16). Whoa!!! She has just finished her study after all. Congrats mate! ^^

How about me and Danar?

We're still struggling for our final project. Hehehe...

For my personal plan, I want go back to Bali soon, find a project that really suit me, and enjoy life. But now, there's only one hope, GRADUATE SO SOON!!!

Atrid ^^

PS: how about the new lay out I had costumized? need your opinions